Saturday, January 2, 2016

Frenzied SLPs January Linky

I'm excited be a part of the Frenzied SLPs January Linky Party!  Thanks so much to all who host this!
So, it's a new year.  Time for changes and resolutions.  The Frenzied SLPs would like to know what I will do this year to make my life easier.  I am a very new blogger.  As in only a few weeks newbie.  I hope to start posting at least once a week about what I will be doing in therapy the next week.  If I do that, then I will have to write my lesson plans a week in advance.  That will be a huge deal for me.  I am the "wait until after church Sunday night" kinda lesson planner.  I have heard of SLPs who have their whole month planned out ahead of time.  What a dream.  The thing is, I feel trapped by a planning my lessons ahead of time.  I have done it before and I will always find something else that I would like to do.  All it takes is a cute craft or something that I know my students will love and the plans go out the door.  But isn't that part of being a therapist?  Constantly changing and adapting?  So, I think I will "try" to plan a week ahead this year.  You should be able to hold me accountable by checking to see if my blog post plans match up with my Instagram shots.  I give it my best shot.  Let's see, I'm writing this post on a let me go and get started on those plans!
I hope you have an awesome New Year!


  1. OK I need to add this one to my to do list too so I am not always flying by the seat of my pants! Love it!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! :)
    I used to plan monthly, just writing down activities on a calendar; now I do it in my head (That's why I love book companions so much!) and then pull the materials out of the closet. I put them in order on a table in my room so all I have to do is just grab & go!

  3. Eek! What a great New Year's Resolution! I struggle with the same thing. It is so hard to lesson plan in advance, especially with a greatly varying caseload, communication books that need to be written in, progress notes, IEPs, testing, regression data, the list goes on and on!

  4. I've had that plan before and gotten similarly distracted. Thanks for linking up!
    All Y’all Need

  5. Good luck with your plans! Finding a balance between planning and flexibility is always a great feeling!

  6. Welcome to the world of SLP blogging! It's so much fun!! We have similar organizational styles, haha! I'm trying to plan ahead more, too, but it is really hard for me. It's not who I am! Best of luck to you!

  7. OK I need you to help me write my plans a week in advance! LOL-please make this into a product with the materials and I will buy it ;) I really loved your post and I am thankful that you are my friend! Have a great 2016! Amy :)

  8. I am a week in advance kind of gal, but if I find something better I don't mind switching gears. Then I can use my original plan the next week :) I hope you find blogging as fulfilling as I have!
